Thursday, February 2, 2012

Important Information for Upcoming Weeks

University of Iowa Library Books

Students checked out several resources from the University of Iowa library. Unfortunately, the due date is dependent on the type of book. I have reminded the students about this but please check base with your child about their specific books so that no books end up being late. The fines are quite high! The books will need to be returned the main library which is located on the corner of Burlington and Madison.

School of the Wild

The Wolf class will be headed to School of the Wild at Lake Macbride next Monday and Tuesday. The students will be outside for the majority of these days so please make sure they dress appropriately for the weather on those days. We are supposed to be getting some wintery weather over the weekend so the ground may be pretty soggy. Please make sure your child brings boots and snow pants if necessary. Also, a permission form will be going home today. Please sign it and have it back here by tomorrow (Monday morning at the latest). Students will not be able to board the bus without this form. Thanks!

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