Sunday, February 12, 2012

Details for Our Community and Beyond Night (History Fair)

Wolf families,

As Our Community and Beyond night (History Fair) approaches, I wanted to send out some details that will help you and your child prepare for this exciting evening.  This is quite a bit of information but it's a pretty intense day and the more prepared we can be, the better!  I will resend some of these details as the fair gets closer but wanted you to have it ahead of time.  Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions.  I truly want this to be the best experience possible for the students.  


We will be using several different spaces in the school building that night and it would be helpful to have an idea of how many people will be attending.  Please let me know by Friday, February 24th how many family members will be joining us for that evening's events (including siblings, grandparents, friends of the family, etc.).


The students and I have worked together to come up with this timeline.  Students will be completing the bulk of this work at school but I thought it may be helpful for families to know what we're doing when so that you can help your child stay on track.
  • Monday, February 13th: Outline due
  • Monday, Feb 13th - Friday, Feb 17th: Working on draft of paragraphs for websites or draft of script
  • Tuesday, Feb 21st - Friday, February 24th: Working on revising and editing (paragraphs or script)
  • Wednesday, Feb 29th - Friday, March 2nd: Working on visual (for performance, costume, props, backdrop; for website, actual website design)
  • Monday, March 5th - Thursday, March 8th: Practice, practice, practice!


  • Please look over the following rubric with your child (performance or website, depending on your child's chosen project):
Rubric, Performance
Rubric, Website
    • the judges will use this rubric to assess your child's work on the day of the fair
    • most of the wording comes directly from the rubrics that judges use at the National History Day Contest 
    • we spent a lot of time in class looking over these rubrics; students should have a good understanding of what each category is asking for but it's always a good idea to revisit this
    • on the day of the fair, judges will award 4 special recognitions including 2 awards for websites and 2 awards for performances (students can only receive one award)
    • every child will also receive an evaluation certificate along with the judges' feedback form
      • this certificate is totally dependent on the judges' review of each project (i.e. every child could potentially receive a Superior certificate)
      • students receiving scores mainly in Exceeding Expectations will receive Superior, mainly in Meeting will receive Excellent, and mainly in Approaching will receive Good 
      • Superior, Excellent, and Good certificates will be handed out after the night concludes (i.e. they will not be publicly announced - this is more for your child to know how they did and get feedback from the judges on their work)

Snacks for Students and Visitors

  • on the night of the fair, it would be great if each Wolf family could bring in a snack, treat, or drink to share with the Willowwind community
  • if any parent is interested in coordinating this effort, please email me (would really appreciate the help!)

Day of Schedule
  • 3:30 - 5:30: Judging
    • Students will need to be back at school and ready to present by 3:30pm 
    • students performing should be dressed in costumes and students presenting websites should plan on dressing up
    • since individual students will not meet with the judges for this entire time, I thought that I could order some pizza and have a room for the students to relax in.  
      • If you would like your child to have pizza, please send them to school on that Thursday with $5.
  • 5:30 - 7:30: Our Community and Beyond presentations by K-6 classes
  • 7:30 - 7:45: Snacks 

Misc. Details

  • If your child is creating a website
    • I will be providing each child with a website address (and domain name) 
    • This address will be valid until the end of the school year.
      • If you would like your child's website to be up for a longer period of time, you would need to purchase a separate domain name and register with a website host - please let me know no later than Friday, February 17th if you would like to do this so that we can plan accordingly.

Thanks and again, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

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