Sunday, September 11, 2011

K-6 Field Trip to Kent Park


This past Wednesday, K-6 students took a field trip to Kent Park to research the attributes of a prairie. What an amazing way to kick off our year long study! Students spent the day carefully maneuvering their way through a forest of 10ft tall cup plants, studying the biodiversity of prairies versus mowed lawns, and using dichotomous keys to identify plants. Ms. Brooke posted a wonderfully descriptive blog about the trip. Please check it out to hear more: Prairie Racerunners. You can also check out pictures of our exciting day at: Prairie Research.

Older students had the added challenge of doing all of this while having their younger partners in tow. I overheard one Wolf kindly asking one of her partners, who had charged far ahead, to make sure he was in eye-shot of her while constantly encouraging her trepedatious other partner to continue through the unknown prairie. Never mind the fact that she herself was trying to find her way through the maze of plants that lay ahead. I was amazed by not only this moment, but the overall concern and patience all of the Wolves had while serving as not only caretakers, but also educators of their younger friends. What a wonderful opportunity for the Wolves to not only increase their own knowledge of the prairie, but also challenge themselves to serve as constant leaders. I was incredibly proud of each and every one of them.

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