Sunday, September 11, 2011

Details for Camping Trip

Wolf families,

I can’t tell you how excited I am for our upcoming camping trip! The Wolves have decided to move the location of their trip to Kent Park because Lake Macbride has closed their canoe rental shop early this year. After our trip on Wednesday to Kent Park, the students were excited to hear that the park has canoes as well as over a thousand acres of diverse terrain. Kent Park also has the added benefit of Brad, an extremely knowledgeable naturalist that will accompany us on our canoe trip.

The Wolves spent much of Friday morning planning meals, preparing a packing list, and dividing responsibilities such as cooking, cleaning up, and setting up camp. The students have worked together to determine almost everything that you see on the attached document.
PLEASE READ: Wolves Camping Trip Information Sheet.

This week, the students will also work together to create a rubric of goals that address the following categories:

    There is a wealth of information in the document attached above but please do not hesitate to post questions directly under this blog. Just click on comments and you'll be able to post. If you have a question, others may have the same one! You’re also always welcome to email questions.

    Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!

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