Sunday, March 25, 2012

Trip to State Science Fair is ON!

A big thank you to both Gretchen and Kim for making our trip to the State Science Fair this Friday possible!  As a reminder, we will be leaving school at 8am on Friday morning.  The students will return at approximately 5pm.  The competition runs for two days so while I will be riding out with the students, Gretchen will bring the students back that evening so that I do not have to drive back and forth between Ames (thanks again Gretchen!).  We will be going out to eat on Friday.  Please send your child on the trip with $10 - $12.  If you would prefer for them to eat a sack lunch, please just pack it as normal.  Also, even if you are sending your child with money for lunch, please send along a few snacks for the long drive.  Thanks and please let me know if you have any questions.

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