Friday, December 16, 2011

Partner Books - Final Touches!


Partner books are in the final stages! The students have bound the beautiful covers that they made with paper from their trip to the Center for the Book and are now adding the pages of their stories. The students will present their respective partners with this heart-felt gift on Tuesday at our final G.D. before break.

This year, students will be asked to leave their partner books at school for a period of time so that we can put these works of art on display for other families to enjoy before going to their permanent homes. We'd also like to ask you to join us on Friday, January 6th at 2:30pm for a special reading of partner stories. This will give you an opportunity to not only see your child's hard work, but also hear them read it to their partners. Hope you can join us! Please let me know if you have questions. Thanks,


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