Sunday, October 16, 2011

ITBS Testing: 10/19 - 10/25

Wolf families,

On Wednesday, the Wolves will begin ITBS testing. The testing will continue until the following Tuesday. Testing can be nerve racking for children and it is therefore important for parents and teachers to calm nerves and ensure that students are eating appropriately and sleeping well the night before testing. Please talk to your students about the importance of rest during this time.

It is also extremely important for the benefit of all children that your child arrive at school between 8:15 and 8:25am so that they are ready to begin testing promptly at 8:30am. Our class time is extremely valuable and starting testing on time means that we can end on time and move on to other curriculum. It can also be very disruptive for other students when a child walks into the classroom when testing has already begun (research shows that disruptions like this can greatly alter test scores!). I therefore ask you to make every effort to ensure that your child is at school early. Thanks for you help in ensuring a serene testing environment for all students.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

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