Monday, May 14, 2012

Creek Clean Up: This Friday

The students will be headed back to Ralston Creek this Friday morning to participate in a clean-up of the area surrounding Court Hill Park.  We'll be leaving the building at 8:30am so please have students to school a few minutes early.  As always, students should wear clothes and shoes that can get muddy :)  Students should also bring a change of clothes and shoes as we will back at school for the afternoon.  

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Details for Documentary Night

Wolf students will be premiering their documentary on May 24th.  All Wolf students will need to be back at school to set-up and serve dinner by 4:45pm.  Wolf students do not need to pay for the show; they will however, need to pay for dinner if they would like to eat here.  Please let me know if you have any questions about that evening's events.  

Out in the Field


Wolf documentarians spent the day collecting footage for AQUAlity. Students visited locations throughout the surrounding areas including the Iowa City landfill, North Liberty Recreation Center, the sewage treatment plant, Kent Park, and many more! Many thanks to our drivers, Joni and Carol, for driving students all over town! Don't forget to buy your tickets for this exciting event!

Out in the Field

Wolf documentarians spent the day collecting footage for AQUAlity. Students visited locations throughout the surrounding areas including the Iowa City landfill, North Liberty Recreation Center, the sewage treatment plant, Kent Park, and many more! Many thanks to our drivers, Joni and Carol, for driving students all over town! Don't forget to buy your tickets for this exciting event!

Kids' Rag Order Forms: Due this Friday

Just a reminder that Kids' Rag Order forms along with payment are due this Friday. Forms are available at Amber's desk or can be downloaded here.

Kids' Rag Order Forms: Due this Friday

Just a reminder that Kids' Rag Order forms along with payment are due this Friday. Forms are available at Amber's desk.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Field Day: Tomorrow

The Wolf documentarians will spend tomorrow out in the field getting "b-roll" shots for AQUAlity, their documentary about water quality.  Be sure to ask a Wolf what b-roll is if you're not sure.  We will be leaving first thing in the morning so please have your child at school by 8:30am.  Also, students should wear clothes that can get dirty.  

Bike to School Day: Wednesday!

International Bike to School Day is Wednesday May 9.  Participants can bike from home or meet on the west side of the First Ave. HyVee by 8:20 to bike to school on the path.  HyVee will donate fruit for participants to enjoy.  Please email Christine,, with questions.

AQUAlity: Coming to a Willowwind Near You!

Tickets will go on sale for the Wolves' documentary, AQUAlity, tomorrow.  The students have been working incredibly hard on this culminating project and are so excited to share their work with their family and friends.  Please talk to your child about potential extended family and friends that they may like to invite.  Please be sure to buy by May 23rd.  

National History Day Contest: State Competition!

Congratulations again to our National History Day Contest state competitors!  Both Halle and Emma traveled to Des Moines yesterday and competed against middle schoolers from around the state.  We are incredibly proud of their work!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Documentary script writing

Now that the students have completed transcribing all of those interviews - close to 5 and half hours of video!!! - they have begun pouring over the transcripts and looking for the perfect sound bites.  Once they've found all of the sound bites that they need, they will create documentary scripts that outline both audio and video for each and every second of the film.  I'm tired just thinking about it!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Working with Experts: Documentary Film Maker, David Gould

David Gould, a professor at the University of Iowa, has made several documentary films including Two Sides of the Moon in which he interviews the Dalai Lama!  David visited our class today and spoke to the students about his work and how he creates his films.  Our student documentarians were full of questions and were able to use the time to begin thinking about how they would like to piece together their own story about water quality.  He talked about his love for documentary filmmaking and its ability to make people think about their actions.  One Wolf student commented that you can do that best when the audience can connect to the subject matter and have some control over the problem or issue.  The students all had huge smiles on their faces, thinking about the possible effect of their own film: AQUAlity.  

Newsletter Updated

Please check out our newsletter link for May's edition of the newsletter.